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厂址:新疆伊犁霍城县芦草沟镇四宫村二组中兴路河坝边北面 835208

地址:江苏省昆山市玉山镇都市汇商苑1号楼1401室 215316

地址:江苏省昆山市玉山镇都市汇商苑1号楼1402室 215316

电话:+86 512 5777 0880
传真:+86 512 3685 8875
手机:+86 189 1549 6831
手机:+86 186 2617 8622


伊犁博阳瑞联香料有限公司位于新疆伊犁,于2016年建成并试运行成功,后经过2017-2018年扩建车间,2019年煤改气,2020年增加设备,实现了薰衣草精油80吨和罗马洋甘菊精油10吨的产能,是伊犁地区首家使用绿色环保能源的大型精油加工厂。公司引进国外先进的移动式蒸车设备,是国内首家敢于创新和改进国内传统的加工设备的工厂。公司10000多平方米的厂区坐落于50000亩种植地的中心,处于和法国普罗旺斯几乎相同的纬度。该地区九百米的海拔高度,在天山山脉和果子沟山谷的环绕下形成的逆温带,非常适宜薰衣草等香料作物种植。当地农民拥有丰富的薰衣草,罗马洋甘菊、德国洋甘菊、椒样薄荷和留兰香种植的经验,现正在尝试种植西洋蓍草和艾草。公司注重品质发展,严格按照国际最高标准做好品控,公司使用的设备为全不锈钢配置,配备美国惠普公司安捷伦进口色谱仪,公司申请并严格执行国际GAP和中国GAP认证标准, 在基地建设中做到严格控制源头, 并检测每一个加工农户的品质,做到批批原料层层精选。公司致力于提供100%纯天然优质精油并远销全球五大洲,得到客户的一致好评!欢迎海内外朋友前来洽谈与合作,公司本着诚信为本,质量先行的原则,努力做到客户最优和无悔的选择。

Yili Bio-Young Aromas Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. is located in Yili of Xinjiang, was established and operated successfully in 2016, after the expansion of workshop in 2017-2018, replacing coal with natural gas as fuel in 2019, and the addition of distillation stills in 2020, we have achieved the production capacity of 80tons of Lavender oil and 10tons of Roman chamomile oil. We are the first essential oil manufacturor using clean energy in Yili district, China and the advanced mobile distillation stills from abroad were introduced. More than 10,000 square meters production site is in the center of 30,000 acres of planting land, which is almost same latitude to Provence in France. With an altitude of 900 meters, the area is surrounded by Tianshan Mountain and Guozigou Valley, forming a reverse temperature zone which is very suitable for planting lavender and the other perfume plants. Local farmers here adept at planting Lavender, Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile, Mentha Piperita, Spearmint and are attempting to grow Blue Yarrow and Wormwood. We pay top attention on quality development and strictly control the quality according to international highest standards: the distillation stills used are stainless steel; testing with Agilent gas chromatograph of HP; strictly implement the Global GAP and China GAP certification standard. We analyze the quality of each processing farmer, strictly control the source in the base construction and select the raw materials in batches. We focus on providing 100% pure and natural essential oils to global five continents and earned high praises from all customers.  The good faith-based and quality first principle strive us to achieve the best choice to customes. Warmly welcome friends from home and abroad cooperate with us.

找到我们 厂址:新疆伊犁霍城县芦草沟镇四宫村二组中兴路河坝边北面 835208
地址:江苏省昆山市玉山镇都市汇商苑1号楼1401室 215316
地址:江苏省昆山市玉山镇都市汇商苑1号楼1402室 215316
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